Les Avancées Scientifiques de la Recherche Biomédicale Toulousaine

4 – 5 novembre 2024

Centre de Biologie Intégrative de Toulouse, Amphithéâtre Nicole Le Douarin


Lundi 4 novembre

9:00 – 9:15 : Mot de bienvenue de Fabienne Pituello, directrice du CBI ; Introduction de  Abdel Saoudi, directeur de la SFR-B2S
9:15 – 10:15 : Session 1: Chairs: Lilian Basso & Eloise Dufourd
  • Mariette Ducatez – IHAP – Influenza D virus in Europe
  • Albertus Viljoen – IPBS – Nanoscale clustering of mycobacterial ligands and DC-SIGN host receptors are key determinants for pathogen recognition
  • Ludovic Martinet – CRCT – TCR-independent CD137 (4-1BB) signaling promotes CD8+-exhausted T cell proliferation and terminal differentiation.
  • Laurence Vaysse – Restore – Scalable Generation of Pre‐Vascularized and Functional Human Beige Adipose Organoids
10:15 – 10:45 – Pause café

10:45 – 11:45 : JEAN-PHILIPPE GIRARD
Directeur de Recherche Inserm et responsable de l’équipe ‘Biologie Vasculaire: Cellules endothéliales dans l’Immunité, l’Inflammation et le Cancer’ à l’IPBS-Toulouse 
« Discovery of IL-33, a major therapeutic target for asthma and COPD »
Chair: Isabelle Saves

11:45 – 12:30 : Session 2: Chairs: Roxana Khazen & Bineta Rigaud
  • Anne Dejean – Infinity – Eomes-dependent mitochondrial regulation promotes survival of pathogenic CD4+ T cells during inflammation.
  • Fernando Muzzopappa – CBI – Detecting and quantifying liquid-liquid phase separation in living cells by model-free calibrated half-bleaching.
  • Anaïs Briot – I2MC – Endothelial DLL4 Is an Adipose Depot-Specific Fasting Sensor Regulating Fatty Acid Fluxes
12:30 – 14:30 – Buffet déjeunatoire
14:30 – 14h45 Session 3 : « Ma thèse en 180 secondes ». Retour d’expérience de Wendy Le Mouëllic (IPBS), premier prix du jury de la finale nationale 2024.

« Caractérisation des voies d’acquisition du soufre et de la biosynthèse de cystéine de Mycobacterium tuberculosis pendant l’infection »

14:45 – 15:30 Session 4 : Chairs : Anna Mattout & Laure Guitton-Sert
  • Rémi Mascarau – IPBS – Productive HIV-1 infection of tissue macrophages by fusion with infected CD4+ T cells
  • Chrystelle Bonnart – IRSD – Chymotrypsin activity signals to intestinal epithelium by protease-activated receptor-dependent mechanisms.
  • Julie Klein – I2MC – Calprotectin is a contributor to and potential therapeutic target for vascular calcification in chronic kidney disease.
15:30 – 16:00 – Pause café
16:00 – 17:00 Session 5 : Chairs : Laure David & Louise Battut
  • Rémy Betous – INTHERES – Filarial DAF-12 sense the host serum to resume iL3 development during infection.
  • Céline El Samrout – Infinity – Landscape of mast cell populations across organs in mice and humans
  • Laura Lauture – CRCT – C/EBPα Confers Dependence to Fatty Acid Anabolic Pathways and Vulnerability to Lipid Oxidative Stress-Induced Ferroptosis in FLT3-Mutant Leukemia
  • Tatianna Merle – CBI – DISSECT is a tool to segment and explore cell and tissue mechanics in highly deformed 3D epithelia. 15R

Mardi 5 novembre

9:00 – 9:15 : Pierre-Emmanuel Gleizes – Directeur de Génotoul
9:15 – 10:15 : Session 6: Chairs: Damien Ramel & Honora Labrana
  • Sébastien Britton– IPBS – Structural and functional basis of inositol hexaphosphate stimulation of NHEJ through stabilization of Ku-XLF interaction.
  • Camille Chagneau – IRSD – HlyF, an underestimated virulence factor of uropathogenic Escherichia coli
  • Loïc Dupré – Infinity – LFA-1 nanoclusters integrate TCR stimulation strength to tune T-cell cytotoxic activity.
  • Anthony Lemarié – CRCT – The STEMRI trial: Magnetic resonance spectroscopy imaging can define tumor areas enriched in glioblastoma stem-like cells.
10:15 – 10:45 – Pause café

10:45 – 11:45 : MAEL LEMOINE
Professor of philosophy of medical science, ImmunoConcept Team, University of Bordeaux
Chair: Garance Castino

11:45– 12:30 : Session 7: Chairs: Gabrielle Veronese & Sophie Lajus
  • Emmanuel Doumard– Restore – Explainable machine learning framework to predict personalized physiological aging.
  • Léon Kautz– IRSD – The Hepatokine Fgl1 Regulates Hepcidin and Iron Metabolism During Anemia in Mice by Antagonizing Bmp Signaling
  • Muriel Mercier-Bonin – Toxalim – Microplastics: What happens in the human digestive tract? First evidences in adults using in vitro gut models.
12:30 – 14:30- Buffet déjeunatoire
14:30 – 15:30 : Session 8: Chairs: Matteo Serino & Jean Personnaz
  • Sophie Barbe – TBI – Computational Design of miniprotein binders.
  • Coralie Fontaine – I2MC – The different natural estrogens promote endothelial healing through distinct cell targets.
  • Calum Johnston – CBI – The RecA-directed recombination pathway of natural transformation initiates at chromosomal replication forks in the pneumococcus
  • Bruno Lamas– Toxalim – Evaluating the Effects of Chronic Oral Exposure to the Food Additive Silicon Dioxide on Oral Tolerance Induction and Food Sensitivities in Mice.
15:30– 16:00 – Pause café
16:00 – 17:00 : Session 9: Chairs: Sophie Yvon & Yann Malaisé
  • Christel Devaud – CRCT – Distant antimetastatic effect of enterotropic colon cancer-derived α4β7+CD8+ T cells
  • Ines Osma-Garcia – Infinity – The RNA binding proteins TIA1 and TIAL1 promote Mcl1 mRNA translation to protect germinal center responses from apoptosis
  • Lionel Mouledous – CBI – Targeting Nociceptin/Orphanin FQ receptor to rescue cognitive symptoms in a mouse neuroendocrine model of chronic stress.
  • Miriam Pinilla – IPBS- EEF2-inactivating toxins engage the NLRP1 inflammasome and promote epithelial barrier disruption
17:00: conclusion Isabelle Saves ou Abdel Saoudi – direction de la SFR B2S

Centre de Biologie Intégrative

Campus de l’Université Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier
169 rue Marianne Grunberg-Manago
31400 Toulouse
point GPS : 43.55929319324792, 1.471172836697125

Comité d'organisation

Isabelle ADER – Restore
Lilian Basso –  Infinity
Laure David – IRSD
Carine Froment – IPBS
Roxana Khazen – CRCT
Damien Ramel – I2MC
Abdelhadi Saoudi – Infinity
Isabelle Saves – CBI-IPBS
Matteo Serino – IRSD
Natalia Smirnova – I2MC


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Serez-vous présent aux sessions scientifiques suivantes :
Participerez-vous au buffet déjeunatoire : Lundi 4 Novembre
Participerez-vous au buffet déjeunatoire : Mardi 5 Novembre

Pour tout renseignement complémentaire, envoyer un mail à sfr.b2s@univ-tlse3.fr