Retrouvez ici les différents événements des laboratoires de la structure fédérative de recherche
Dr. François Rousset - What phage-bacteria interactions teach us on innate immunity
IPBS-Toulouse, Seminar room
Ines Anna Drinnenberg "Evolution of centromere and genome organisation: Insights from Lepidoptera"
CBI Toulouse - Salle de conférence IBCG
Soutenance de thèse - Mme Marie Rebeaud
Fernand Gallais Conference room
SYMPOSIUM Sleep and Neurodegenerative processes
CBI Toulouse - Salle de conférence 4R4
Nervous system and immune drivers in tuberculosis, cancer, and tissue health maintenance
Fernand Gallais Conference room
Soutenance de thèse - Mme Sarah Monard
Fernand Gallais Conference room
Serena DING "Collective behaviour of nematodes"
CBI Toulouse - Salle de conférence IBCG
Dr. Marc Vocanson - Resident memory T cells in skin allergic diseases
Infinity-Salle P Druet
Dr. Audrey Gérard - IFNγ and anti-tumour responses – From Friend to Foe
INFINITY - Salle Ruffié
Olivier NICOLE "Synaptic rearrangement of NMDA receptors controls memory engram formation and malleability in the cortex"
CBI Toulouse - Salle de conférence 4R4
Prof. Harald Pruss - Autoimmunity and neurodegeneration - new disease concepts
INFINITY - Salle Ruffié
Mme Tamara Mickova - Soutenance de thèse
Fernand Gallais Conference room